Z – Evaluation of AML/CTF knowledge – AML/CTF knowledge test

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80,00 €
This cours is currently closed

Welcome on the EasyLearning platform

The following questionnaire aims to assess your knowledge in the fight against Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing.

We use the following abbreviations:

  • AML/CTF, Anti-Money Laudering and Counter Terrorist Financing
  • ML/TF, Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing
How to access to your questionnaire?

Select “ AML/CTF – Questions” to start the quiz (available below this page).

The quiz starts automatically.

Each answer will save when you click on the “Suivant” button.

The quiz must be completed in one go.

 If you leave the quiz, you will be asked to take it again.

Two types of questions are in the quiz:

  • Single-choice question (represented by a circle)
  • Multiple choice question (represented by a square)
How do I get my certificate ?

Your certificate will be available for download at the end of the questionnaire.

You can view your answers via the « Mon compte » tab:

By clicking on the arrow on the right of the course title

By selecting  » Statistiques « 

Pay attention: for a full experience, we recommend using Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome browser. 
Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge browsers are not supported.

We wish you a successful questionnaire!

EasyLearning team